
Friday 26 December 2014

Nicholas - The Stolen Reindeer

Nicholas would like to wish everyone a very happy Christmas. He's been busy for the last few days, but you can find out how to hear his story by visiting this website.

'Nicholas - The Stolen Reindeer' is a traditional Christmas story that's available as an app and features illustrations and words from Marina and Tom.

Colourful Star hopes that you've had a wonderful Christmas and wishes you well for 2015.

Marina, Tom and Vasilena xx

Friday 19 December 2014

Весела Коледа/Merry Christmas

"Once upon a time, in the mountains far away, there was a farm. On it lived Mary Torpipit and her parents, Elspeth and Gregory ..."

Here is the beginning of a new collaboration ...

'Nicholas - The Stolen Reindeer' is a seasonal children's story with illustrations by Marina and a text by Tom.

It's a traditional festive adventure in which a young girl living in the mountains sets out to save the Christmas spirit and, in fact, Christmas itself.

It's published by x-ovation and is now available as an app - with hand-painted illustrations, animation and audio version - and is for children aged between four and seven.

You can download it in English (and other languages) from Amazon in territories across the world, including the UK, AmericaAustralia, Spain and there is also a German version on iTunes here.

If you have liked our posts on Colourful Star so far, we hope you will like this new children's story too.

Colourful Star will continue and we'd like to wish you a very happy - and, of course, colourful! - Christmas,

Marina, Vasilena and Tom xx

Friday 12 December 2014


Петдесет картини,
петдесет стихотворения,
с много работа и много любов
един общ език,
една обща земя.

През планини и гори,
по мостове и улици
през малки, китни села,
съхранили спомените от детството
през моментите на пътуване,
от България и Англия
ние тръгваме
по нови пътеки.

Нима има нещо невъзможно
на този свят?
Не можем да знаем ...
защото това пътуване

Fifty paintings,
fifty poems,
much work, much love
so as to find
a common language
common ground.

From mountains and forests
to the bridges and streets
of small and beautiful villages,
from memories of childhood
to moments of travel,
from Bulgaria and England
we look for new paths.

What isn’t possible
in this world?
We cannot know ...
this journey
is to be continued.

This is Colourful Star's fiftieth post

Image: Marina Shiderova; text: Tom Phillips and Vasilena Shiderova.

Friday 5 December 2014

Before snow

Smudged yellow light at dawn suggests a cold snap.
On this new route to work, trees fluster with russet leaves;
the snug stone of a church, village cottages, a vinegary purple
line up like opportunities beyond barbed-wire fences
snaggled with accidental wool scrapings from sheep.

Flowers still bloom. Or seedheads flaunt their ochre fruitfulness.
Keats looms – but then buses pass, aircraft wheel in
and the great long winter opens up between the clouds.

Image: Marina Shiderova; text: Tom Phillips